In the peaceful Paju Heyri Art Village, a zombie incident suddenly occurs. For the opening of the Heyri Arts Center, three friends, Jinseon, Hyuna, and Gayeon, decided to face this crisis. And a novice YouTuber and a coffee factory president add it. Director Jang Hyun-sang's new film, Zombie Crush: Hey Lee, is a film about daily life in a tumult by a zombie suddenly appearing o...
韩国地区的电影《僵尸粉碎 : Heyri》本站更新于2023-06-04,影片上映年代2021,导演和演员张贤相,,影片对白语言韩语,该影片归档于樱花电影网电影频道。《僵尸粉碎 : Heyri》高清在线观看由樱花电影网收集于互联网,如果你觉得《僵尸粉碎 : Heyri》不错的话,推荐给你的朋友一起加速在线观看《僵尸粉碎 : Heyri》吧!《僵尸粉碎 : Heyri》电影在线观看地址: